Certification to standards ISO 9001:2008 and EN 15038:2006-05
The international certification is recognized worldwide as a tool to improve the quality of services.
In April, Janus passed certification to both international standards ISO 9001:2008 and EN 15038:2006-05.
ISO 9001:2008
At the beginning of April 2014, recertification of the Janus Quality Management System for compliance with ISO 9001:2008 took place. The recertification audit, just as three years ago, was completed by German company TÜV SÜD.
TÜV SÜD is a German expert organization. In the 150-year history of the concern, TÜV SÜD has become a leader in the field of inspection, testing and certification.
In 2011, its specialists confirmed the compliance of our quality management system to international standard ISO 9001:2008, and now, three years later, they have re-examined its compliance.
The audit included verification of:
- mechanisms for tracking customer satisfaction;
- work with staff;
- QMS documentation, its compliance with the standard and relevance;
- compliance with established procedures and the presence of actual confirmation of this;
- key aspects of production.
The auditors again analyzed the Janus QMS and familiarized themselves with alterations to it over the last year. The audit demonstrated the dynamic development of the quality management system of Janus, as well as the company itself. All new directions and methods of work of Janus were originally constructed in accordance with international standard ISO 9001:2008, which ensures the high quality of our services.
EN 15038:2006-05
In the middle of April, Janus successfully passed certification in accordance with the EN 15038:2006-05 standard.
The EN 15038:2006-05 standard entered into force on 1 August, 2006. Its development was initiated in 1999 by the European Union of Associations of Translation Companies (EUATC). Thus, EN 15038:2006 is the first quality standard developed especially for translation service providers designed to promote changes in work principles in the industry. EN 15038:2006 was the world’s first global quality standard, clearly defining requirements for translation service providers (TSP).
The standard lists the basic terms related to translation activity. It contains the general requirements for translation services providers (requirements for executors and technical resources). The standard also considers general rules of relationships between the client and translation services provider, and the translation procedure, etc.
Following the audit, the auditor noted the high level of staff training and “maturity” of processes. According to the audit report, not a single deviation from the standard was ascertained. The auditor also provided valuable advice on further optimization of our processes.
Certification to standards ISO 9001:2008 and EN 15038:2006-05