Automatic conversion of text to speech is often a great alternative to using the services of a professional voice actor. Machine voiceover is used when working on video recordings of instructions, infographics, various information materials, etc. Despite the fact that the use of an artificial voice is obvious, the final result suggests that it is a useful and acceptable solution, especially where any restrictions may apply.


Text-to-speech, abbreviated as TTS, is a form of speech synthesis that converts text into spoken voice output. For a variety of reasons (financial, time, etc.) clients may want to translate audio files using a machine VoiceOver rather than a human one. Samples speak louder than a thousand words In the examples of audio translation services below, a machine voice is used but the result is satisfactory. You can clearly hear that it is not a real voice talent, but almost all difficult words can be manually tuned to ensure correct pronunciation and pauses where needed:




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